Saturday, October 30, 2010

Medieval Artists Women

The data available to us on the lives of medieval women artists depends first on the easy fact of the existence and importance of women artists who had been largely ignored by the decidedly masculine voice of earlier art-historical. Secondly, the seeming anonymity of women as artists in the middle Ages derives in part from medieval artists which commonly were unconcerned with the specific personalities of individual artists. What we have available to us today consists of medieval women in the visual arts. Such talents merit consideration as part of a continuing history, whose many informational gaps are gradually being filled.
Citation: ARTISTS, MEDIEVAL WOMEN. (2004). In Women in the Middle Ages: An Encyclopedia. Retrieved from
Image citation: Thamar (Timarete) painting her picture of Diana, c.1400-1425. © The British Library/Topham-HIP/The Image Works.

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